


Lift Board

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Lift Board - Product Image

List Price: $54.50 / each

Online Price: $52.87 / each

Catalog Number: 6004488

Incline lift board.

Used on the following models:


920 - IM349200
920 - IM349201

922 - IM392230


10.0 - 831.297041
10.0 ESP - 831.297510
Expanse 800 - 831.297170
Expanse 800 - 831.297171

Expanse 800 - 831.297172
EXPANSE 850 - 831.297190
EXTEND 10.0 - 831.297260


Powertread - NCTL79061
Powertread - NTTL79060

Powertread - NTTL79061


10.0 - PFTL85040
10.0 TPI - PF102220
2003 EXL - PF351600
2003 EXL - PF351601
2003 EXL - PF351602
525 - PCTL32060
525 - PFTL32062
525 - PFTL52570
525 SI - PFTL32060
525 SI - PFTL32061
585 TL - 831.297660 - Sears
585 TL - 831.297661 - Sears
585 TL - 831.297662 - Sears
585 TL - DRTL42060
585 TL - PCTL42060
585 TL - PCTL42061
585 TL - PCTL42062
585 TL - PFTL42060

585 TL - PFTL42061
585 TL - PFTL42062
585 TL - PFTL42063
Crosstrainer - 831.297460 - Sears
Crosswalk CSI - PCTL21460
Crosswalk CSI - PCTL21461
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21460
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21461
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21462
Crosswalk Plus - 831.297351 - Sears
Crosswalk Plus - DRTL00740
Crosswalk Pluse - PFTL00740
PF351600 - 831.296520
PF351600 - 831.296580
PF351601 - 831.296521
PF351601 - 831.296581
PF351602 - 831.296522
PF351602 - 831.296582


Cadence 10 - WL102220
Cadence 1015 - WLTL41570
Cadence 1016 ETS - WL460020
Cadence 10pi - WL402020
Cadence 10pi - WL402021
Cadence 4400 - WL361800
Cadence 4400 - WL361801
Cadence 4400 - WL361802
Cadence 905 - WLTL90550
Cadence 905 - WLTL90551
Cadence 930 - 831.297090

Cadence 930 - WCTL93060
Cadence 930 - WLTL93060
Cadence 930 - WLTL93061
Cadence 930 - WLTL93062
Cadence 930 - WLTL93063
Cadence 930 - WLTL93064
Cadence LX25 - WLTL42570
ESP 8 - WC008030
ESP 8 - WC008031
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93070
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93071

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $5.45 off List Price of $54.50.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Your website & parts ordering is probably one of the slickest to work through in the industry (and I order from a lot of manufacturers)...kudos to your IT people!

London, ON

Perfect I love it and I had a great experience. Thanks

Mrs. Dallas
